It is the main structure that supports the process of sports specialization throughout, which The Athlete will acquire the degree of training and maturity necessary to face with guarantee of success the subsequent period, that gives access to high performance.

Training phases to be taken into account

Phase I: Basic training (10 to 14 years old)

Basic training creates the functional foundation to develop in the future the maximum possible performance. For this, the biological and pedagogical regularity of the development of children must be considered, and the main requirement of baseball.

Phase II: training phase (from 15 to 18 years old).

In this phase, the specific fundamentals of performance (technique, conditional abilities is coordinative, form of behavior) will  be created for specialization in baseball.  The results must be achieved as a result of multilateral and multifaceted work.

Fundamental aspects to consider:

Programming of fundamental activities of the training plans of the Training of The Athlete, which includes the dates of:

a) Pedagogical test.

(b) Medical and psychological tests.

(c) Training camp.

d) Ceilings and competences.

(e) Fundamental competence.

f) Control of the technical strength of the program.

(g) Control of the registration of athletes.  

(h)Register of The Athlete’s sporting  results, immediate prospects and those already established.

(j) Sports calendars (the fundamental ones).


  1. Principles of sports training

In the process of The Athlete’s training  , pedagogical, biological and psychic laws are considered, which must be correctly applied in it. This task, which must be solved, is made easier by the formulation of universal principles.


1.1. Principle of increased load

1.2. Principle of wave variations in loads

1.3. Principle of unity between general and special preparation

1.4. Principle of the cyclical nature of the training process

1.5. Principle of individuality

1.6. Principle of specialization

1.5 Principle of individuality

This last principle refers to the fact that sports preparation activities have to be adapted to the individual psycho-functional characteristics of The Athlete.

Individuality comprises:

  1. Biological age.
  2. The years of sporting life.
  3. The sports specialty.
  4. Cardiovascular and respiratory status.
  5. The state of the nervous system.
  6. The conditions of feeding, housing, rest, etc.
  7. The educational and intellectual level.
  8. The time spent on training.
  9. The content of the preparation.
  10. The objectives to be achieved.

Now, the individuality of the work in training is achieved with the individual adjustment and dosage of the load. Research shows that no two human organisms are the same. The same physical training loads, received by athletes, have different biological repercussions, what for one was an average biological load for others can be minimal, maximum or limit.

Individuality refers to the fact that each athlete must have his plan, in which his training perspectives in the macrocycle, mesocycle, micro cycle and training unit must be reflected. This plan must be included in a protocol, in addition to containing the dosage by activities of the individual and collective preparation. The preparation of the total volume of activities to be carried out by The Athlete depends on the training period, what was done in previous years and the results of the pedagogical and medical-psychological laboratory and field tests.

The level of individual and collective performance depends on the means and methods applied for the development of capacities, skills, habits, etc. The orientation of individual preparation should be considered on the increase in personal performance that results in the improvement of the collective average, therefore, the individualization of sports training has a preponderant character.

Finally, we want to emphasize that training is real to the extent that it is individual. The effectiveness of individual learning will be observed through the tests applied to The Athlete periodically.

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