7th Round Uniform Donation

Wild Bill and Hitting Science

4 years ago I met Max “Skip” when He was giving my son a tryout to play with his organization. From day one Skip was always available to support me as a new member of the community. During my time at Mclean I had the opportunity to work with his sports club for two years teaching baseball. 

There was always the idea of ​​how we could help children in Venezuela and when I told skip about the opportunity to help various youth groups in low-income communities, he did not hesitate to donate a considerable amount of sports shirts.


The shirts were distributed to different sports disciplines: Baseball, Basketball, Soccer and table tennis. We reached about 100 young people from two different states of Venezuela, Mérida and Miranda.


Thanks to your contribution, a light of hope comes to our young people in Venezuela. The logistics were organized by Hitting Science Venezuela directed by Gerardo Monsalve and David Cardozo in Caracas. Felix Blanco, Doctor Elvis Ramirez, Samuel Serrano, Oscar Herrera and Owen Arellano in Merida State.


If you want to help us you can write to this email: [email protected] 

Used or new sporting goods are always welcome. We pick them up. 


Amaury Monsalve

Hitting Science (Coach A)

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