4th Round Uniform Donation

4th Delivery Jerseys and Food Donation

Alexander Martínez, a table tennis teacher and coach from the state of Aragua, Venezuela, is determined to teach young people how to play table tennis. For this he travels every week to Caracas, which is the capital of the country.

Unfortunately, he has to travel by public transport, a journey of about four hours. Although public transportation can seem like a long and arduous journey. You can use the time to do some bible reading.

Through the work of our facilitators David Cardozo and Gerardo Monsalve, they contacted Alexander Martinez to send him the news that they had a surprise for him and his young people in Maracay.

A few weeks ago, she shared with us the needs of her students who were hungry because they couldn’t buy food. In response to your message, McLean Little league, Arcadia Foundation, and Hitting Science have teamed up to provide uniforms and food for these students in need.

The uniforms were given to the students by the Mclean Little League, and the food came from the Arcadia Foundation.

Hitting Science took care of logistics and delivery.

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